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How To Find and Hire The Best Candidates

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How To Find and Hire The Best Candidates

Nearly 7 in 10 hiring managers struggle to fill crucial positions and end up with a bad fit一 In 2018, 44% of all U.S. jobs saw employee turnover

Is Your Hiring Strategy Bringing You Down?

In 2018, companies of all sizes reported difficulty hiring

  • Large (250+) 67%
  • Medium (50-249) 56%
  • Small (10-49) 43%
  • Micro (Under 10) 32%

Why? It could start with the interview itself

Employers typically ask about the applicant’s past experience and demonstrated skills
– Thomas Edison famously asked over 150 questions during interviews

Over time, many companies have adopted many of the same questions, such as

  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Could you tell me about yourself?
  • Describe a time when you demonstrated leadership ability

How did specific questions get so common?
Many HR leaders only approve certain “safe” topics in interviews
Anything deemed controversial can get the company in trouble
But this method has critical drawbacks

Not specific to your organization or the available role
Past experiences don’t necessarily correlate to future situations

Made to tell you what you want to hear ー rather than the truth
Because people memorize “good” answers, a good fit​ can be hard to find

Gives candidates with more experience a leg up
Having only one interviewer could lead to unpopular hiring choices

HR managers say this interview process often fails to

  • Assess important soft skills 63%
  • Find character weaknesses 57%
  • Avoid interviewer bias 42%
  • Ask the right questions 18%

The Importance of Assembling the Right Team

What’s most valuable in an employee?
Cultural fit: Does your culture match what the individual needs to be successful?
Talent: Can the employee learn and adapt to any challenges?
Values: Can the employee fit within your organization’s values and beliefs?
Needs fulfilled: Does this position fulfill the employee’s needs?

Soft skills and personality are consistently ranked as most important by recruiters

  • Communication style 83%
  • Culture fit 60%

Most companies say they are very focused on fostering community

  • Belonging 57%
  • Inclusion 52%
  • Diversity 51%

But you can’t find the perfect fit by asking the same questions everyone else does ─ take it from some of the most successful companies
Google: Asks oddball questions during interviews to determine creativity and problem-solving
Amazon: “Raising the bar” method, where current employees team up to stump applicants with difficult questions

Who are the best employees? “Candidates who are real and open-minded… who do not have any preconceived notions…who are flexible and are not fake” – Joji Gill, Former HR Director for Microsoft India

Best Interview Practices To Find The Best Employees

How can you start to change your interview methods for the better?

Determine commitment
Instead of
What did you like about your last job?
Try this
What do you know about us and why do you want to work here?

Ask open-ended questions
Instead of
Tell me about a time when you’ve been bored at work and how you became more engaged
Try this
Could you tell me about a time when you were bored at work?
Makes people think about their real answer rather than the sought-for response
When the interview question doesn’t contain the correct response, more than half of all candidates will talk about failures rather than successes

Make the process collaborative
Instead of
One hiring manager conducting interview and choosing who to hire
Try this
Use a team of people in various positions to make hiring decisions
Builds a collaborative community which values all voices

Look for inclusiveness
Instead of
Tell me about a workplace confrontation you faced and how you overcame it
Try this
How do you communicate with people who have different backgrounds and viewpoints from yourself?
Ask about values to ensure the candidate’s align with your organization’s

Talk about the future
Instead of
Why did you leave your current job?
Try this
Where do you see yourself going with our company?
Discussing future possibilities eliminates experience bias and also hones in on particular skills needed for your position

For would-be employees, take the time to stand out before your interview

  • Research and get to know the company you want to work for
  • Create a personal brand with a strong LinkedIn presence
  • Connect with others by creating and engaging with content
  • Finding the perfect new hire starts with asking the right questions

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