What is a Job Analysis Specialist?

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Many companies utilize the services of job analysis specialists to help make the company as profitable and efficient as possible. Employee payrolls and benefit packages take up a large portion of an organization’s revenue, so they hire job analysis specialists to provide them with vital information on how to have qualified workers, pay them as such and still remain profitable. Here is an overview of job analysis specialists and what the career entails.

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What They Are & What They Do

Also known as position classifiers, job analysis specialists evaluate job positions in a company to help it operate as efficiently as possible. They write job descriptions, determine position classification and designate appropriate wage scales. When a company assesses existing jobs or creates new jobs, the job analysis specialist researches the data and makes recommendations to management regarding the position, classification and wage for the jobs. Their other duties include the following.

• Research benefit plans and compensation packages

• Compare benefit plans and compensation packages using cost analysis and data

• Evaluate job descriptions to assign classification and wage

• Ensure the organization is in compliance with state and federal laws

• Prepare research and analysis reports and present them to human resource managers

How to Become One

To work as a job analysis specialist, an individual must have both education and work experience in this field. The candidate may have a bachelor’s degree in human resources, finance, business administration, communication or a similar field. Although it’s rare, some companies will use sufficient work experience in this area instead of the degree. Candidates should also have a strong knowledge of accounting, finance or business.

There are not a lot of colleges that offer baccalaureate degrees in human resources, but many of them offer courses in compensation analysis, human resources management, and benefits administration, which offer students the curriculum they need for this career. Certification is not a requirement for work but can be beneficial because many employers look favorably on those who are certified. There are several organizations that offer certification for job analysis specialists. WorldatWork and International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans are two such organizations.

Career Outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts these workers should see employment grow nine percent between 2016 and 2026. The five states with the highest employment of compensation, benefits and job analysis specialists in 2017 were:

• California – 10,590

• New York – 8,970

• Florida – 5,720

• Texas – 5,570

• Pennsylvania – 3,260

As of May 2017, these trained professionals earned a median annual salary of $62,680 as reported by the Bureau. Those in the lowest ten percent group earned about $38,860, while those in the top 90 percent earned $101,800 or more. The average hourly wages for these workers is $32.29. The states where job analysis specialists earned the highest average wages in 2017 were:

• District of Columbia – $89,590

• New Jersey – $78,060

• Maryland – $77,630

• Connecticut – $75,710

• New York – $75,380

With the economy fluctuating from month to month, businesses continue to look for ways to keep their businesses not just afloat but making money as well. Individuals interested in this type of career may find it very challenging and rewarding. The position of job analysis specialist is one that has the potential to always be in demand.

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